AlohaButterfly, also known as Deborah Waller King, is a householder and student-of-life that is going through major life changes on all levels of being; physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetically. During this process, the information needed to help these changes was difficult to find, if at all. The vision is to help others access information easily by sharing life lessons and other tools of reference to help those that the stories resonate with. I am a writer and a liaison and I endorse no products, services, groups or people. I offer links to 3rd parties only to make the information more accessible for you to decide if this information is helpful for you. We are each on our own journey and by sharing our stories and tools we can learn from each others the tools that are available to us.

AlohaButterfly is passionate about sharing knowledge & experience and understanding people. Through the experiences and life lessons obtained by traveling the world, receiving a bachelor’s degree and living overseas, the hope is that others will be able to see the world in a new light.